Friday, April 19, 2013

More art for my boys room!

I wanted to make a nice canvas painting for the boys room with their name on it rather than hanging wall letters that i find to be cute but very babyish! I think seeing as how they share a room this is more fitting!
I decided to go with a Chevron pattern which i love! I used a ruler to sketch my design out in pencil, i found it alot easier to use a piece of cardstock which i then cut out and used as my template on the canvas that way they would all be the same and even!
  It's a little hard to see the pencil marks!

Sticking to my color scheme of blue and orange i started by painting the blue pattern! 

I forgot to take a picture but the letters i bought from the dollar store were plain wood letters that i painted orange. I then used my glue gun to glue the letters to the canvas after the paint had dried! I'm going to make a second one for my older son in the opposite colors (orange chevron with blue letters).
Im pretty happy with the results! I just haven't decided yet if i will hang it on the wall or maybe just get a wall shelf and prop it on there!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

DIY Ceiling Drumshade

I wanted to find a ceiling light fixture for my boys room that incorporated the color scheme i chose and that was also budget friendly! Apparently this proved to be impossible to find so i did what i do best and decided to make one myself, how hard could it be?? Apparently even easier than I had anticipated! First I purchased a large enough plain white drum shade that I picked up at Walmart for $12 then i was contemplating painting, stenciling... wasn't sure yet but as i walked by the craft section for inspiration i found ribbon in the two colors i was looking for. So know that i had what i needed i headed home and got started!

This is the before plain white lampshade!

I chose these two ribbon colors!

I started by marking how wide apart i wanted to place my ribbon and measured all around my shade.

i then cut my strips of ribbon and began placing them on an angle!

I just kept going all around placing my ribbon where i had marked and gluing it down on the inside using a hot glue gun! Make sure to cut your ribbon long enough that you have enough length to fold it in and glue it on both inside ends!

This is what it looks like so far! i ran out of glue and i'm kind of annoyed that i have to wait till tomorrow to finish! So far im loving the colors together and think it'll look great on the ceiling! Not bad for under $20!

Voila! the final product after stocking up on glue sticks I was able to get back to work and finish the ceiling shade! I will post more pics as soon as i put it up!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Very excited about my new chairs! I just purchased some new chairs to replace the ones i have in my current kitchen set! I've been lusting after these for a while now and finally picked some up earlier this week! I went with two black and four transparent! Now just waiting for the weather to warm up so i can take my wooden table outside sand it down and refinish it, im going to go for an aged distressed kind of look! I think the mix of modern chairs with the traditional wood table will look awesome! The best part is the chairs are easily wiped down and wont stain and the table will have a rustic used look so it wont look off whenever there is the slightest scratch.

This is similar to the look im going to do on my table

My new chairs!

Decorative birth momento

I wanted to make something for my daughter's room that had a personalized touch to it. I purchased the canvas and the acrylic paint from the dollar store as well as the punch out letters cause i couldn't find alphabet stencils! I still find it to be missing some pizzaz but when inspiration strikes i will revisit it!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Custom Fame on a budget!

I've recently moved and decided to do some much needed decorating! I found that what was lacking in the house was pictures and personalized items that make a house feel like home! What better way than to display some beautiful pictures and mementos  I'm going for a very grown up elegant princess feel in my soon to be 7 yr old daughter's room. I couldn't find a frame I liked anywhere and the ones i did like were ridiculously expensive considering i have lots of pictures to hang and so many ideas for gallery walls im going to attempt to do in my new place! I decided to do what i do best and create my own custom frame, and with  the vision I was going for in mind, off i went to the craft store and dollar store! I found this very plain white frame from dollarama for $2 and thought it was perfect! After all if it didn't turn out it was only $2! Then i got some lilac spray paint and found glitter spray paint! If i could spray glitter everywhere all day everyday id be a very happy camper!

Here is what the frame looked like when i bought it!

 Then i used Krylon spray paint in bubble gum drop to spray it lilac!

It still looked to plain so i spray painted a few coats of the Magical Multicolor!

There was a background cardboard in the frame with a pink pattern on it that i didn't like so i turned it over to the blank side and sprayed it with glitter as well. As you can see it came out kind of blotchy and even though the pic was going in the center i didn't really like the result, so i came up with a different idea! I had seen a quote written in a frame on pinterest that i thought was beautiful so i decided to type it up in a really nice font in a matching lilac color and copy pasted it all the way down the page and use it as my background!
The quote reads " No one will ever know the strength of my love for you! After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside"!

 Its hard to see but looks beautiful in the background!

And this is the final result! Im very satisfied with it, exactly what i was looking for! I put it on her nightstand for now but it might go up on the wall with the other frames once im done putting all of them together! Can't wait to get started on my other projects i have so many great ideas if only i could keep up with them!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Back from hiatus!

So I haven't blogged in a while as I was awaiting the arrival of my fourth baby. I'm now the proud mommy to a second baby boy and I am totally in love! I have so much blogging to catch up on and so much to share but for now I'd like to start with something I'm sure all you busy moms out there will truly appreciate! During my first two weeks home with my new baby, I was blessed to have some wonderful ladies send dinner for me and my family. I received so much food I had to freeze some of it and that was a good thing because after being spoiled it was really difficult to get back to reality. Thanks to leftovers, last nights dinner required very little effort on my part but turned out amazing! I had some chicken thighs that I defrosted and deboned and decided to get creative, I made a simple rice on the side, threw it in a pan with the chicken, added some fresh garlic, salt, pepper, cumin and fresh lime juice and mixed it all up and threw in some fresh coriander at the end. I then made a tomato onion and coriander salad, dressed with some garlic salt, pepper and lime juice and a sauce made with mayo, lime juice and rind, fresh garlic and salt. We ate it in a pita but you can eat it anyway you like, wrapped in a tortilla or even as is, whatever u like. It was a hit and so easy and quick to make plus I used up some leftovers!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lunches made Fun!

So while constantly on the search for cool fun easy lunch ideas that will intrigue my picky eater and make her excited about lunches i stumbled upon something called "Bento Lunches".  Traditionally "Bento" is Japaneese, it is a single portion home packed or take-out meal! Ive been experiencing with these lunches for a couple weeks and ive come to the conclusion that if you make it fun and interesting, kids will eat just about anything!!! Here are some lunch ideas you can try at home, and even play around using things your child likes!

 Healthy Lunch #1
mandarin orange slices
Home made vanilla pudding with sprinkles
Flour tortilla rolled with cheese
Salad consisting of lettuce,cucumber, corn, carrot shreds, wheat germ, dried cranberries and some fetta cheese.

 Healthy Lunch #2
Mixed green salad with romaine, spinach, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli topped with quinoa, lentils dried cherries (some raspberry
vinaigrette on the side).
Some cookies and strawberries and mango.

 Healthy Lunch #3
Cream cheese sandwich, cut using cookie cutter, mini marshmallow slices with food color pen for the eyes and mouth.
cherry tomatoes
cucumber flowers
strawberries and blueberries
choc chip cookies, bananas and licorice

Healthy Lunch #4
Home made granola with sesame seed candy
hard boiled egg chick (the nose is made with carrot and eyes with sushi paper) on a bed of lettuce
Sandwich with cheese on lettuce, with carrots red peppers and red onions. (dressing on side)
mandarin slices.